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The current mood of at

Fun Times in 1033
04.05.02 @ 09:12

Diaryring of the Day:
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Today's already started out great. My alarm went off at 6:30, like it has been all week, and Mary Ann was going into the bathroom. She turned around and looked surprised that I was getting up. If I'm going to win the battle with my hair, I need to get up earlier. So I was able to get into the shower at 6:30 and when I came out Mary Ann decided to tell me today, four days aafter the fact, that I had left my fan on all break. Then she said that she was trying to be energy conscious. Yeah, while at the same time trying to kill my sinuses with stale air and trying to melt me to death with the heat of the room. She had all week to talk to me, and there was plenty of time to do so. Plus it was fucking 7:15 in the morning, who seriously wants to hear shit like that at 7:15 in the morning. I'm still tired dammit, my brain hasn't turned itself on, so don't expect me to be a happy camper. All I have to say is that I better not have to flush the damn toilet when I get up anymore. Ahh. I love my life, it's so much fun. I should make it into a movie.

Hehee, Weapon of Choice was on VH1, there's a video to cheer me up.

Thought of the day:

It's only in your head that you feel left out or looked down on

"The Middle" Jimmy Eat World

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