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The current mood of at

I'm one step closer to full-on misanthropy
11.01.02 @ 12:47

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: I'm at work and I'm really bored

Ok so for those who don't know, Bobby has left Orgy for Snake River Conspiracy. I can't blame the man. He has a family with two kids. His band had to quit touring last year due to illness and began working on new material. Then, this material is 'lost' and the other band members are also working on their side projects. I think he made a very wise decision, even though I deep-down wish he didn't have to choose this option.

It seems that we will have to be having a talk with the Mashuda Hall director about the boys upstairs. For a while they were doing well, but that lasted about a week. I'm not saying that they must sit down, shut up and not move. I just don't appreciate being able to tell when they are playing a racing game and I can here the countdown. How would they feel if I lived above them and had five or so people start jumping in the room? I don't think they would appreciate it, I certainly do not. They know that this shit is bothering us, yet they continue to do these things and act as if they aren't. Logic study party my ass, nice try Jarrod. Are my roomates and I the only people in the world that go to sleep before three in the morning? Because it seems that way. We've tried to deal with this, some of us have done better than others, and it is just frustrating us more and more. If people only had respect for others, maybe this could all be avoided. But unfortunately we are all to selfish to realize that what we do, regardless of whether we want it to or not, affects others. Hence why when I'm at home (Chicago home) and I play my music on the stereo I don't blare it so the bass shakes the house. My neighbor has two little kids, I don't know if the kids are sleeping, or the father whoworks nights. The mother may even be studying because she has gone back to school.

I just give humanity to much credit. I think that maybe there is a change for the good and I am almost always disappointed.

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