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Various Happenings......
12.21.02 @ 17:51

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: My Good Charlotte burned cd

I'm going to make this quick short and to the point. I'm just too tired to actually think right now. My spelling skills are going too.

My dad got me my MP3/WMA/Cd Player. It looks cool. I just have to get some blank media to burn.

I want to make a Twisted 9 cd. I'm just going to burn all the cd's of the bands that I have and download some of the others. Some. There will be no Public Enemy or the Vines. I am going to put a little Sevendust on there because each time between the bands Sevendust was playing.

I'm glad that Abby is having a good time over in Sweden (right?). I'm so out of it.

I wish that people could make up their minds. I mean come on people other Fate determines everything you do or it doesn't. It doesn't determine the bad things and leave the good stuff to Free Choice. God is not going to inflict pain upon his creation. At least that is what I had been taught. There is a reason that The Flood occurred. What about Christ? Has anything that God has done not meant a single damn thing to you people? Refresh your memory before telling me that God has a plan, and everything that you put in that plan is all the evil in the world. God is not evil. God is the supreme good.

Sorry about that rant my mother said something the other day and it just ticked me off.

About The Two Towers. I liked it. Yes it ends not where the book ends but I do understand why. it is so that there is some fun stuff in the third movie and that the third movie will be of similar length to the other two. I am not particularly fond of the Aragorn/Arwen and Aragorn/Eowyn crap. First off the Arwen stuff isn't in the book and I just am not fond of Eowyn, never have, never will. The Ent scenes were off quite a bit which is very disappointing to me. They, just after Gandalf, are my favorite characters in the book. Smeagol and Gollum arguing has to be my favorite part. It was very comedic. I second Sarah's joy that Pater Jackson left Legolas and Gimli's counting during Helm's Deep.

We will be having Christmas here, unfortunately. ALthough it will be held this weekend, not actually on Christmas. I will be able to watch Trading Spaces. Joy!

That's it for now. My template appears weird to me right now. I made some changes, but I don't know I will have to keep checking it to see. Laterz!

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