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The current mood of at

03.20.03 @ 17:30

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong

Lab was quite cold today.

Well, I guess since everyone else is talking about it, I'll put my two cents in on the war. First things first. I do think that we should have waited a little longer to do what we have done. But we are at war and I must accept it. I have, in the past few weeks of contemplation, become to respect President Bush. He has made his ultimatum and stuck to it. He is in a very difficult position and has had many opportunities to run and hide, but he didn't. He has stepped up to the plate and looks ready to follow through on his swing. Also, I have the utmost respect and admiration for those soldiers who are there basicaly protecting us. They take pride in what they do and are aware of the risks that they face. Yet, they are still there, preparing and acting. Regardless of the outcome, I shall always be grateful.

I do not understand everything about this war. I am not completely educated in regards to it. No one can every fully understand this until it is over with. What happens, happens and we must learn to live with it.

I have also been thinking about what the one woman from the Dixie Chicks said about the president. I personally feel that it was unappropriate. Statements like this are not going to do good, they will only do bad. These types of things cause disunity among those on the 'home front' and it is known that disunity on the home front affects the morale of those who are on the war front. Low troop morale is never a good thing. Also, the president is utterly helpless against statements like that. On the other hand I could say the same thing about her (if I was Texan) and she could easily sue me for slander and would have a chance of winning, but since he is president, a public official, he has no power. I do not blame those people who have acted as they have as result even though she has apologized. How trustworthy do people see celebrities? How often do we here of divorces due to fraternizing with co-workers? Just because you have the spotlight, you don't have everyone behind you. There are so many other statements that she could have said that would have probably been much more effective and would not have received the backlash as they have. Free Speech goes both ways.

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