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Classes have begun
08.26.03 @ 14:58

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: I have "You're So Damn Hot" stuck in my head

Well it's day two of the first day of classes. I would have written yesterday but I figured that it would be more productive. So far everything is going good. I am loving my PoliSci class. Sometimes I wish I had decided to double major. Oh well, I will just have to go back to school, no biggie. I still have Philosophy. Yesterday was pretty good. All three classes I have are with Kyle, Diana and Marita. I guess we justs can't get enough of each other. Immunobiology and Microbiology appear to be the hardest classes although PoliSci has the most writing, I think. But hey I can't complain I choose the writing intensive course. If it wasn't for work I wouldn't start 1 on monday, 2 on tuesday, 11 on wednesday and friday and 9 on thursday. However I work on my later days, so I am going to be up everyday at 6:30 Woohoo.

It has been a little difficult to get into the swing of things here, but it should all work out. My RA enjoys QAF so I have another person to watch that with and she's a big OLP fan. She's pretty cool. Yes, yes I know, I'm a junior I should be in an apartment. Well I have two words for you, I'm lazy. That's right it was the laziness in me that prevented me from going through the whole apartment selection process here at MU if you want an on campus apartment. That stuff starts in October so we'll have to get moving on that.

As far as being away from home and the end of summer, there are a lot of you that I wish I would have tried to get together with, but I didn't so that is my fault. There are one or two out there that I would like to see but I really have no desire to continue to maintain contact with when it is not returned. Remember two way streets here, use them.

Wow I have been on a Mac for almost twenty minutes and it has not crashed. The one at work doesn't count since we had that talk back before Christmas. Anyways, so I hope that I can see many of you over Christmas break or even Thanksgiving if possible, no parents, three cars, no problems.

Well, that is about it, I have class in a few. I wish all those who have headed back to school as well as those who haven't started yet, good luck and enjoy.

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