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The current mood of at

I am beyond disgusted....
02.04.03 @ 20:08

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Stuff

Sorry that I am updating so late in the day, but the shallowness of people has been bothering me and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going crazy.

I realized that I have been very angry since Saturday. The reason is that I have come to the conclusion, although I think I have reached this many times, the conclusion that I dislike people. They are shallow, selfish and petty. Some people who read this entry may be offend and I hope you are.

Saturday I had gone to work the Open House for my major and when I got back, as I said in the previous entry, I found out about Columbia. Please read the previous entry because I am not going into to much detail here. Well, anyways, I went to my computer and started reading articles on-line. I was disgusted with the report of the Iraqis and I went down to the basement of the building to get a soda and to breathe. On my way back up two girls entered the elevator. Here was their conversation:
That's really sad about the Columbia Shuttle
Yeah, I feel bad for their families
You going to Brian's party tonight?

Thank god they got off the elevator. I couldn't believe it. I was apalled. In the same breath you go from feeling for seven families who had just lost a member to who's party you were going to. That is low. Very low. I am ashamed of this. But that is not all. I came back up and looked at my AIM and read some away messages. I wanted to talk to someone. I needed to talk to someone. Well, I again was disgusted. Someone who I had thought was an intelligent person, respectful, etc. had been beyond shallow. Her IM went something along the lines of I woke up to bad news this morning....My family is visiting.....Only IM me if you're someone I want to talk to.

Maybe I am just letting world events affect me too much, but come on people. Could we have just the smallest ounce of consideration? Only IM me if you're someone I want to talk to?!? Please, put that up and I will never talk to you. It's funny how people can change on you. I thought people grew wiser and more respectful with age. Turns out I thought wrong. People are probably the most mature when they are about two then they go to incredible assholes and finally when they hit about sixty they regain their maturity. Disgusting.

Sunday I barely wanted to move, although I did. I tried to get somethings done. To get my mind off of it. Every second it got a chance, my mind was pondering the implications of Saturday's event. I thought about what had happened to me in 1989. I thought about how the one former astronaut tried to remain calm, but in his eyes you could see the pain. I thought about smacking the reporters who harassed everyone they interviewed about whether NASA would go on. I recollected Buzz Aldrin's interview. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Monday was no different. I remained pretty quiet. People still bothered me though. The way they would talk about Columbia and how they got wasted in the same breath. I was starting to give people credit. Credit that they do not deserve.

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