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The current mood of at

08.28.02 @ 12:38

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: nothing i'm at the computer lab

hello hello. i'm on the mac again. These things aren't as *bad* as I thought. My mom brought the computer in yesterday. We'll see what happens, they'll probably figure out that there was soda spilled on it, even though my mom left that part out. Plus that problems started *way* before the mountain dew keyboard was made.

I'm on the same line as Marita and hoping not to have any of the fun people, i.e. pretty boy or salem in my lab group, or even better would be them not being in my lab at all.

Ok so i left for Sociology a little early, but it seemed like it was 2:00 rather than 1:00 when i left. While on the way to the class, that wasn't meeting yet, i was listening to OLP and i finally truly realized why people hate when their favorite band all of a sudden is super mondo huge. And all i was thinking about was how i hope that OLP doesn't release "Do You Like it" or "All for You" as singles. I won't go into that now because I truly think it's something you need to figure out yourself . I need to go get more of the commend poster adhesives. They are holding up the bon jovi poster very nicely ad I think it would best for the super huge Incubus poster that will be going on the wall as well as the Orgy poster that is hanging up next to my head and I'm afraid i'll wake up one day with a poster on my head.

Saturday is my birthday, happy happy joy joy. I get to spoil myself by getting a manicure and a pedicure. Although if price is a problem then just the pedicure (My feet are pretty gross).

Anyways, I was also trying to figure out my workout schedule this semster. I'm thinking MWF after dinner and then Sat/Sun morning, although the Sat morning may be omitted based on how bad i was on friday, or I may drop friday because of La Perla. My thinking is that I can do my laundry before I go to the gym on the weekends, since it doesn't open until ten. yes I know I am probably the only college student that is willing to get up early so that I can do my laundry.

Okay, so when did Cudahy get the flat screen monitors???????????????????????????

Don't be shy about signing the guestbook.

I iwll also be putting up a page with links to all the pics that I have uploded on here. Some may also be in the Yahoo photos albums, but some are not.

Thought of the Day:

"That man doesn't even deserve to be butt raped." ~Me, again on Plato

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