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The current mood of at

Some more blah
08.30.02 @ 13:33

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Nothing, I'm at work and the day is going slow

hi people. There's really nothing, but there's nothing to do here so i thought I'd post. Today has been a long day, I can't wait for La Perla. Oh, Marita if you and kayla every go to get sushi, just get some california rolls and I'll pay you back. Also should my mom get a thing or two of sushi from Trader Joe's? And Kayla if you want to go to the Celtic fest, let me know, I will go with you. ( i don't even know if she is reading this?!?)

Ok, i'm having trouble typing because I'm still used to the laptop and it's ultra sensitive keyboard. So just bare with me.

Tomorrow is nails day, I'm excited, hopefully I don't spend to much tonight. I think $24 should cover it. I'll have to try the cheesecake thing tonight, instead of the usual JD.

Ok the clock thingy is off, it's 1:33 and it was telling me 12:30. I'm asuming its just on the wrong (wrong as in different from me) time zone. Anyways, eck, i got heartburn, I'm going to have to take some tums with to La Perla.

I got some more movie stills from the poster sale. The other day I got this mural size poster of Incubus, which is absolutely gorgeous and a 'normal' size weezer poster, which Marita also got. I also got a black and white American History X still of Edward Norton. Today I went to the amu, to get money for tonight and tomorrow and decided to look at the movie stills(I just happened to see someone flipping through when i got the Ed Norton one) and I got four of em, one of John Cusack in Say Anything(?), a Gladiator, and a Matrix one of Neo shooting two guns, its from the part when they are in the office building and he's just starting to shoot the guards, these were black and white. The fourth is from Pearl Harbor and its ben and josh, josh is sitting on a scooter thing and ben is standing. It's very nice. Anyways, there's nothing important, I may eventually scan those pictures so that everyone can bask in the beauty of them. that and I got to get five 8x10 picture frames to put them in so that they don't get ruined. That or one of the protective sheets that go in binders. The next time they have the poster sale I'll prolly get the Good Will Hunting ones (despite their lack of beauty) and the josh hartnett ones. I am also getting a rat pack either poster or still and one of the kennedy family posters. I'm debating about the large mural ones. But I got no money for that so I will just have to wait.

Ok so i just noticed that the entry part is centered. I don't want that. Is it like that for netscape navigator and internet explorer? Cause if it's not then I'll just have to deal with the fact that it is in the mac IE.

Thought of the Day:

"Enjoying Plato is like eating really bad tasting cardboard." ~Me, of course.

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