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The current mood of at

08.31.02 @ 18:56

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: nothing, just TLC

hello hello. well today has been somewhat eventful. However I want to start with yesterday. AS the previous entry stated, I was bored as all hell. The day just did not want to end. For dinner we went to La Perla (the tradition has begun again). We stuffed ourselves to the brink of explosion. Kayla, myself and Sarah all got little cheesecake for our birthdays. I would once again like to thank my half dressed friends for that. After we got back, Kayla and Marita were going to try to find somehting to do, Sarah and I, the anti-social people that we are, went to go play some pool. However, the game room was closed so we sat in the amu and talked. Marita and Kayla eventually came and after a little while we went back to the dorm. Kayla was going to lay down (i think) and go to a party later in the evening. Sarah, Marita and I decided to go for a walk. We ended up at the lake. We came back just before midnight and I was ready to hit the sack.

This morning i got up and did the laudry, which i still have to put away. WE then went to starbucks where I had my new love, Irish Cream Latte. I also got the delicious coffee cake. WE then went and got our nails done, all french manicures. We then met kayla and helped her to finish moving her furniture. Then we went to a little, and I mean LITTLE, farmers market. This was very disappointing, we then went to grand avenue were I got a few cd's and we ate. We then came back, pretty much exhausted. we watched t.v. and laid down for a while. Now we're just watching t.v.

Thats it. oh wait no theres more. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Okay enough. I'm done. Laters.

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