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The current mood of at

09.23.02 @ 12:58

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: nothing, but I'll prolly put on the Disturbed video again before I go to class

So yesterday I was so tired it was disgusting. I went to bed about ten fourty-five, I would've gone earlier but I was waiting for this computer to finish defragmenting. Anyways, back on track, I had difficulty falling asleep, I was weird, I was exhausted, I was barely keeping my head up before I got into bed, but I couldn't close my eyes once I was in bed. Eventually I fell asleep and woke up about 5:30. I didn't have to get up until 7. So of course today I'm tired. I was barely keeping my eyes open during Organic Chem, let alone being able to focus my eyes. Went and got a can of Amp. That seems to have done it. I think I'm really addicted to caffeine, I try to wain myself off of it, but it doesn't work.

I'm feeling a little out of my element. I'm dressing a little preppy today. I don't really know why, but I just decided to do so. It feels fun, with the green hair and all. Maybe thats why I'm getting the wierd looks, hmmm. Oh well, tis kind of fun to do this. My phil teacher thought it was pretty cool. But thats me.

Abby - I finally read all that you have posted on fanfiction. It's a very sweet deal. I feel like you're hitting my personality right on the spot, going somewhere and no one can understand why there and the fact that I don't answer the phone, let alone the Palantir. keep up the amazing work.

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