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The current mood of at

A catch up on the crap
09.27.02 @ 14:25

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Something on the radio, it sounds like Cold, pretty cool song

i would've posted yesterday but my brain was still fried. I don't know why but when I write something that has some kind of passion behind it I get burned for a day or two. My head just doesn't seem to really want to think about anything else but that. Anyways on to yesterday and today.

Yesterday was alright, Chem lab went ok. Someone pissed me off by being stupid. I wonder if anyone really thinks anymore. Thats a waste of eight pounds of organ flesh if they don't. The details of what it was that angered me I forget. Doesn't matter anyway, today is a new day. Another thing yesterday, I was at the gym in the evening and just finished, literally just finished doing the triceps thing when a girl asked if she could use the machine. Sure, no problem. So I go to the ab crunchers and do a set. Then this one guy comes up to me and lets me know that the girl had done two reps and left. I guess she asked him if she could use the leg press and he let her, this way he could get a break for his legs and I guess she sat for a couple of minutes, did two reps and then sat some more until she asked me. Then he goes, "I don't get it. What's the point of coming and doing two reps, you're not getting anything done. Maybe it's just so that they don't feel like they're lying when they tell people that they go to the gym." I finall found someone else who doesn't get it, but he kinda freaked me out.

Today - chem test was alright. I screwed up cause I'm dumb. I really need to learn how to read, although a lot of other people made the same mistake. Phil - we all got 'yelled' at because we didn't do this whole tree thing of what Aristotle is saying. Yeah, to bad I don't see what the hell the guy is saying. Aristotle makes to many cyclical arguments. I can't handle that. I need in a straight line. So I knew that we were supposed to do this, but I wasn't getting it so I underlined in the book things that I thought I had a handle on and thought was important.

I guess that there is some kind of shaking up going on over at LOTRsisters. I really don't seem to get the whole issue of what it is, but the basic gist is all to familiar.

Thought of the Day:
"We're different because we use that eight pound organ located between the ears. That and we use it properly. Those who don't know what to do with it, get scared and run."
My cousin about why my family seems to have a very small number of friends.

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