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I hate spam.....
10.21.02 @ 20:23

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: AC/DC - Big Balls

For the weekend update of sorts go back one. This is not going to be anything of any significance but I'm bored, so you are going to suffer. Well not really, but I'm just stop that tangent now.

How do those damn people get your e-mail if all you do is use it to send stuff to your friends? I don't think that any of my friends would send me porn. Or would you *looks at computer suspiciously*

Why Alison should not take Vicodin:
Even hours after taking it she is still goofy;
It makes her tired;
She can still feel things (I thought it was a pain killer)
She does stupid things (not that I don't do them anyways) Such as having to order a ten dollar book for a class and spending $53.10 at B& Here's what I got:

The damn book for phil
Filter Title of DVD I've only been wanting to get that for years
Disturbed M.O.L. Ya'll are going to be hearing more Disturbed love when that comes in
Good Charlotte "The Young and Hopeless" (I couldn't help it.)

Speaking of Disturbed, I was on the message board today and laughed my ass off. They're still arguing about how to spell and shit. It's funny how this message board is supposed to be, keyword is supposed, devoted tot he band, but the band never comes on because it's pointless to reply to people who are arguing with each other about which bands suck, how to spell, etc. It's amazing how people pick on the little shit while there are millions of people out there starving, people without homes, people losing battles with diseases that I would never wish upon anyone, and numerous other things that are much, much more important that spelling. It is amazing how petty we can be.

Food for thought:

"Anyone who's a punk rocker is not gonna point their finger at someone else and tell them they're not punk. "Cause when you're a real punk rocker, you don't care what anyone else thinks." ~Joel Madden, Good Charlotte

"Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within." ~James Baldwin
(Okay so there was a little hint of significant thought, I lied. Sorry)

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