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The current mood of at

A quick recap of all that went on during Mid-term break
10.21.02 @ 17:57

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Backstreet Boys _ More Than That (I love this song, it's so soothing. I don 't know why)

Okay, so I'm sorry I haven't updates since, what, Thursday/Friday, whenever. Blame it all on the following things:
56k dial-up
root canal
we're not blaming the Vicodin 'cause it has been allowing me to get the sleep I so desperately need. It's not that I don't get enough sleep, I just don't get good sleep.

Anyways, there really was nothing interesting going on at home, it all happened at the dorm, where I was not! Kelly finally figured out that her man was lying to her. Only took her long enough. Damn, people are stupid and those in relationships can be even worse. Yeah, yeah, I know love is blind. Too bad the phrase is "deaf and dumb."

Well, the guys in 721 managed to break their toilet. Wonderful, right? Yeah, well I guess the water was dripping down into our room and the asshole who was actually here this weekend came down to check it out. Now we have a hole in the ceiling were he decided to stick his finger to see how soft the ceiling is. I'm really tired of having to deal with them. One would think that after they came dwn to talk to us and we went up there to talk to them something would be getting done. No, it seems to be getting worse. They seemed nice and all but spoiled little dicks if you ask me. How hard is it to turn down the subwoofers? It's not that we're asking for them to not listen to any music, play any video game, or the like. We just don't want to be able to feel it. I have a reall hard time falling asleep when the bed is shaking.

Anyways, I'm just going to go back to listening to my guilty pleasures. I don't know what it is, but I just don't want to stop listening to this stuff. I'm going to shut up now, Vicodin kicking in.

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