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10.31.02 @ 10:54

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: I don't know what is on, but "Idiot Boyfriend" was on the radio earlier.

Nothing interesting except for the jumping that the upstairs morons were doing at about 6:20 yesterday evening. No big deal, except that it was loud as all hell. It literally scared the shit out of me.

I'm getting confident about this anatomy test on tuesday. The more I study the more I realize I know. *Happiness*

I'm reading the news at and found this article to be interesting.

Chicago offers bonus to leaner cops

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) --Chicago police officers have a new reason to drop the doughnuts.

The Chicago Police Department is offering a $250 bonus to officers if they pass a voluntary physical fitness test. So far most haven't budged -- only about 2,600 of the department's 13,600 officers have taken up the offer, which ends Thursday.

"The longest journey begins with the first step," police spokesman Pat Camden said.

The city is hoping the bonus will save money in the long run by reducing health care costs for diabetes, heart disease and other illnesses, Camden said.

In past years, the city has rewarded officers with a pin, an incentive that few found compelling. Only 200 to 300 ever bothered to take the test.

Police departments around the country are offering incentive pay for everything from physical fitness to language skills, said Jim Pasco, executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police, a labor organization with more than 300,000 members.

Chicago's bonus program was part of the department's latest contract with the police union. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley -- a bicycling enthusiast and an optimist -- has proposed allocating about $2.5 million for the program next year, enough for about 10,000 officers.

On a recent afternoon, dozens of Chicago police officers gathered at a police department gym -- painted a drab, institutional gray -- to put their muscles to the test.

Al Amos, a 29-year veteran of the department, took the test this week to set an example.

"It's just to show these young people they need to stay in shape," said Amos, a field training officer who turns 59 in November.

To get the $250, officers must run 11/2 miles, bench press most of their body weight, do sit-ups and demonstrate their flexibility. Performance standards are based on age and gender.

Amos passed after bench pressing 164 pounds and finishing the run in 16:15, just under the 16:21 limit for male officers 50 and older.

"I love to see the older guys do well," said Ray Collins, 52, after supervising a group of officers, young and old, as they huffed and puffed their way around a concrete track 14 times.

Of the approximately 2,600 who have taken the test over the last month, about 2,400 have passed, said Sgt. Jackie Campbell, who helped supervise the test.

Most officers who fail are casualties of the run, Campbell said.

"A lot of people don't get as much cardiovascular activity as they should," she said.

Trim and 51 years old, Detective David Fietko passed the test after finishing the run with a time of 16:07, comfortably under the 16:21 limit.

"It's just sort of an incentive to get me back in shape," Fietko said.

The online article is located here.

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