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Equality starts with the young...
10.30.02 @ 17:47

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Shop Til You Drop is on, but I'm not watching it

Ok so I was going to do an all about me page today, but then I was thinking. What do you guys want to know about me? Seriously, I could do the 100 things about me, but I would get to ten and be bored. I could do the I like blah, blah, blah and get bored. So what do you want to know about me? Ask and though thou shalt find out.

Well on to today's pissing off of Alison. So for my courses I have to take a Lit/Fine Arts course. Well I didn't know what would qualify for this credit so I was just going to go with the History of Jazz course since I knew that would. Well Kayla heard that I was thinking of taking the course and told Marita that she didn't think I listened to that kind of music. So not only do I scare people with my presence like Tina, but I'm stereotypical. I guess I fit into the metal category, which if anyone who knows me in the slightest bit would say I'm not.

Then there was Sociology. We are on the parenting section and today we started out with single father headed households. We watched a short little tv show on it and had a discussion. These two people, the spoiled bitch and the gay guy, were all "guys can't raise children like women can. Women have the instinctual nature to raise children." Umm, HELLO! Did we not go to class on Monday? 'Cause if you were there you would not be pulling the 'motherly instinct' crap. My mother worked more hours than my dad (as far as I can remember) and I always remember my dad being there. Does this mean that I was not raised right? No, it does not, because what girls can do guys can do just as well if given the chance, this includes raising children. I know my professor was bothered by this because her husband stays at home with the kids. It's people like them with that kind of attitude that makes men afraid to raise their children and that allows men to leave the mothers of their children without the social stigma that the women who was left with the child feels.

It's people like this that make me sick to my stomach. I felt horrible for the guys that were on the show that we watched becuase here they lost their wives (most of them the wife passed away), trying very hard to raise their children as best as they can, and there are people out there that will say that they will not do a good job simply because they are male?!? It's amazing how people are all about getting rights for women, but they don't want to extend those rights to men as well. The goal has to be equality of the sexes or else this is a war that was lost before it started.

Well, I'm going to take this irritability and go study at the library. Off to learn about the brain.

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