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The current mood of at

'Four' More for Gore
11.19.02 @ 11:34

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Bowling for Soup - Girl all the bad guys want

*hugs Abby*

First I want to start the post with some advice:
DO NOT let others use your screenname to talk to people so that they can avoid a 'stalker.' They can go and almost completely ruin friendships that are already on the rocks due to being so fucking far away.

Well I promised a post on the election thing that I was talking about. It jumps all over because it is my opinion and I don't think that I need to remind you af the details.

Is anyone else sick and tired of hearing people tell them that if they didn't vote for in the presidential election that they shouldn't bitch and moan about Bush? Well I am. I mean it's one thing if you were able to vote and you didn't. Then you have no excuse. I, on the other hand, was not 'of age' to vote in that election and I really, really wanted to vote. I don't know how many times I told my parents that they should've had me just one year earlier. I knew that this election was going to be one that goes down in history books (not because of the Florida bullshit). I wanted to be a part of it. I went home from school and watched CNN that day until about 12:30 a.m. (I still think Gore won and after talking to my great uncle from Florida I have no reason not to.) I remember talking about it for a very long time, sitting in front of the t.v. and reading the newspapers every time the recount was done. I wish I could say that I was a 'part' of this historical fuck-up, but I wasn't. All I will be is a 'spectator'. I just keep wondering that maybe if I was able to partake and vote, things might be different. I wish everyone of my age felt the same way. We, 18-24 years, are a large group that has a lot of power that does not get acknowledged. I think we could show the world that we have power, that we understand that we can change history, just by one little simple action, voting. People are so willing to be vocal about their freedom of speech, but what about your freedom to decide who will govern you?

It just bothers me how people complain and complain about who is the president and what he has done wrong. Do we even care about what they did right? Is there any sense of nationalism anymore? I may not agree with Bush, I may even wish that he wasn't the president, but he is the President of the United States of America. He is MY president and I will respect him as such. I feel like Sir Thomas More in Robert Bolt's play A Man For All Seasons. Thankfully I will not get beheaded.

Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way.

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