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Kayla - the Chronic Lying Bitch
11.20.02 @ 17:42

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Good Charlotte - Little Things

Well, I've become fed up with Kayla. I don't remember if she is in the cast list, so I'll describe her before I go into the situation. She's another Clinical Laboratory Major same year as well as I, from California, and a vegetarian. She also has this "disability." It is in quotes because I am seriously beginning to doubt that.

Supposedly she has a blood clot, which I wouldn't doubt if it wasn't moving. Last year when she told me that she had it she said it was in the Popliteal artery (behind the knee cap). Well, she told Marita it was in the Femoral artery (think front of the thigh from the beginning of the thigh to just above the knee). Now if it's in one of these arteries it could cause amputation of the leg or the thigh plus the leg (leg technically is from below the knee). Now working for cardiologists, I know that any sane cardiologist would want the person to take care of this problem, regardless of whether or not you have insurance. But not Kayla's 'doctor.' I don't even know if she has even seem a doctor about it. A month or two ago she went down to do her laundry and got the bright idea to treak up seven flights of stairs with her clothes hitched to her back as if she was hicking. Well she didn't go to class for a couple of days because her back was sore and proceeded to tell us that she could feel her blood clot moving, this was the same thing that happened the last time. Problems with this story:
1. You told Marita what you did. Don't you think that maybe your little hicking adventure did it? I do.
2a. If the blood clot was big enough to block your femoral artery it would not be able to get passed the capillaries in order to move up to your back. It would stay in the thigh and would affect the lower extremity that it is in. Blood moves in only one direction.
3. I work for cardiologists and she knows it. I talk with Dr. Lulla and her story does not check out. In fact his words were "I will never work in California if the doctors allow someone like that to walk around with a blood clot that large. In fact, I'm surprised that she still can walk."
4. She's supposedly was on blood thinners. Now again I must remind you that I work for cardiologists. I have had to write out the blood test slips for the patients that we have that are on blood thinners. I have not seen anyone that has to go every week for blood testing like she supposedly has had to do.
5. She supposedly had the doctors take her off the blood thinners. Could this be because it reacted with the pot that she smokes? Again I refer to Dr. Lulla, he has told me that a person is usually put on blood thinners (assumption here is that they had a blood clot) and told that they will be on them for a very long time, most people will be on them for the rest of their lives. They don't get to decide to just not be on them anymore either, they must be wained off of them.

Now because of the weekly blood testing that she has had, she told us that someone accidently hit the nerve, causing damage that results in a numb arm. Believable yes if I believed the blood clot bullshit. Now it is this numbness that is her 'disability.' I have no issue with anyone have a disability, but the few people that I know that have legally recognized disabilities do not flaunt it about as she does. Rather they see it as a obstacle that they must overcome. Not her, it's something that she milks the hell out of. In fact at the beginning of the year she was figuring out how she could use it to get out of things such as taking notes. She now has note takers in every class. She sometimes comes to class and when she does she just sits there, legs crossed, top leg swinging, not taking notes, twisting her hair, complaining, etc. She needs people to take a sheet of paper out of her notebook. Last time I checked numb did not equal not working.

For a while it also seemed that she was trying to create a rift between Sarah, Marita and I. The "Marita said this..." type stuff, which is funny 'cause I don't think she realized that the three of us are keeping tabs. I guess she's asked Marita how the roommate situation is going. I never knew that there was a problem in my own room.

She constantly bitches and moans about how she doesn't get her protein. Umm, hello, I eat meat, I know where I get my protein. To be a vegetarian was your own god damned choice. I didn't make you become a vegetarian and thus I don't care. The consequences of your choices are your own damn problem.

Then there's the whole sushi thing with Diana. I still can't get over how she was trying to make the situation larger than it was, while martyring herself as well. Too bad Diana didn't see it the same way that Kayla did.

There is so much more that I could go into. Such as other lies we have caught her on, how she appears to now be using people, etc. I think she is trying to get attention by making people pity her. Doesn't she remember my roommate problem from last year? I DO NOT hold anyone on a pedestal. Mary ann wanted it, I didn't do it. Kayla is not going to get it. I do not obey anyone other than myself. I respect other people and do follow their advice, although I consider it and 'chew on it a bit' first.

My advice - chronic lying is not worth it. It will get you absolutely nowhere besides in a lot of trouble.

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