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The current mood of at

11.23.02 @ 15:45

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: I'm just relaxing to some New Found Glory until we leave

Of course, while I'm trying to download the New Found Glory show at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, the fire alarm goes off. They're lucky I had all the songs queued. Thank you mIRC.

Anyways, we discovered another Kayla lie today at lunch. She told Marita that the government was basically giving her a free ride, which if anyone understands anything about the loaning business would know that the government usualy wants to get their money back plus interest. She told Sarah as well as I that all the school bills were going to her market manager or whatever she calls him. She also told me that her dad was paying for her schooling. It's amazing how many lies she has told. But it's no matter, she's cool now 'cause she has a fake ID. Yeah the same girl who couldn't afford to buy notebooks manages to afford a fake ID as well as being willing to risk being caught and being slapped with a fine and Wisconsin fines hard. Let's just say that my $95 speeding ticket in IL would be $200+ here in Wisconsin. That and she always manages to have money for japanese which can easily cost a person $50 at a time.

I thought that all my problem were going to be over once I got out of McCormick last year. It seems that all I have done is switched one problem for another. She better not ask for any help on anything, nor expect me to be buddy-buddy in our Biology and Forensics classes.

Well tonight we are going for some good Italian. So happy. For those in college, you know what I feel, for those not in college, imagine having to eat the most bland, disgusting food (although it's not always that bad) six days a week and having one day a week where you splurge and get delicious food.

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