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Kayla's lie unravels itself further
11.22.02 @ 12:36

Diaryring of the Day:

Now Playing: Well, Puddle of Mud was on the radio, but I'm at work, so really whatever...

Please check out the cast for an explanation.

Well, apparently Kayla doesn't even have a cardiologist. Her 'hematologist' sends all her blood work and what not to the Blood Center. This is all fine and dandy except for a few major things.

1. Hematologists are not supposed to make diagnosises and therefore cannot technically send out medical information.

2. The Blood Center is not a place of diagnosis/prognosis. They therefore cannot recieve medical information in regards to a person's treatment. They are a blood bank, not a hospital.

3. Technically, hematologists cannot legally make any decisions regarding a persons medical treatment. The only thing a hematologist can do is perform a test, give the results to the physician/specialist depending on who ordered the test, and highlight any areas for concern.

4. If Kayla does not have health insurance and refuses to seek medical treatment because of this, how is she getting the scripts written for these tests? Oh wait, she's not because she is not going for any blood tests.

Kayla better figure out her story. I am very sick and tired of hearing lie after lie after lie. Next semester is going to be a pain because she will be in two of my classes and she better not ask for help with organic chem.

Well, with that said, I did register for classes today. Now today is the last day to register and I got every class without a problem, but when I have somewhere in the middle of the registration time period I end up having to play phone tag with the TVR system in order to get a damn required course. What the hell is wrong with this school? I don't get it. Anyways, thats all I have for now. Laters!

Oh and I promise to change to orgasm picture this weekend. Sorry I have been lacking on that aspect.

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