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The current mood of at

Yeah! More Jared bull.....
01.22.03 @ 10:07

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: I'm at the library listening to nothing except for Simple Plan "I'd Do Anything" playing in my head

Wow, so many hits from people who are looking for GC stuff, it's so amusing. People are liking the chain I got. It's white, plastic, and big. You can see it at the Deadsy website under store (obviously). I am just waiting for all my books to come in (as well as the Deadsy CD). I so want to start reading more philosophy type stuff.

Well we had Jared the rave child, who had been in his room for 16 hours straight, going last night. I should just put links for him in the cast page. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow when I'm waiting for Chem lab. Until then I'll explain a bit. Jared lives above us. When he moved in to that room with his two roomates, we started to have noise problems. Apparently, Mashuda's reputation for being a quiet dorm failed to reach him. He decided that it would be okay if he turn the subwoofers on while playing music at high volumes. Now he likes to listen to techno, which I can't stand, but those constant beats that vibrated the entire room was more than I could handle. We tried doing the call upstairs and ask them to turn it down thing, but that didn't work because it would go up again within an hour and he didn't seem to catch on that maybe he shouldn't keep turning it up to a certain level because we would always call on it. Well, the grades started to fall because this was an all night thing. The three of us were starting to get sick and cranky which was getting on my nerves (as is this exceptionally loud space bar) so we had to get the parents involved. Finally our hall director decided to take action (even though we had called his saying that we want to have a meeting). We had a meeting, a little late I might say because there was no hope of pulling up my B's in classes that I knew the only reason I wasn't doing better was that I was too tired to concentrate. Well it appeared to get better, but yet it hasn't. It seems that the little meeting was only relevent to last semester. The funny thing is though that his roommates (especially Anthony) always ask how things have been, such as the noise level, when they are gone, which is basically every weekend. I straight up tell them everything that happened. they have the right to know. Anyways, another thing that is apparent is that Jared is only truly loud when his roommates aren't in, such as last night when I called and Ben answered. It was quiet for a while, then it got loud again (we let it slide cause I didn't want to seem to pushy) and then it got quiet again. My assumption is that one of the roommates was in. I really want to give the boy one of my old headphones and show him how to use it. Anyways, talk about blatant disrespect to his roommates. He pulls the shit and they have to take part of the blame. I feel bad for them, but then again I don't since they go home every weekend.

Oh well, it's amazing how I go from something like my roommate problem when I started the diary to this problem. What can I do except hate the little snotty, spoiled ass kid who thinks he's god (when in reality we all know who is, Abby!). I can't wait until the little BioMed prick (Jared still) gets kicked in the ass next year with the lovely classes he has to take. Who will be laughing then?

Wow, I may be losing it. Well, I'm going to go and read for a few before my BioChem class. Laterz!

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