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If you don't want to hear about Chicago don't read.
01.23.03 @ 11:10

Diaryring of the Day:

Now Playing: I will be listening to Disturbed shortly

Well, I was reviewed at DiaryReviews. I did very well, I say, 97/100. I am probably most surprised about the Content portion of the scoring. Here's part of what the person said:
You're one of those rare people who's writing just seems to be made for a diary. Even your "nothing" entries take up a nice fluffy amount of space, which makes it look appealing. Fortunately your entries also live up to their looks. You've got an eventful life and you're able to paint a mental image of it, although at times it can lapse into the dullness of everyday life. But you've also got a normally cheerful (seemingly) outlook on things, which is a nice way to live."
I feel so much better. I should have my mom read this seeing as how she thinks that my writing style is boring, dulling, and tiring. HA!

Well, I have to send out this stuff for this internship in D.C. (no it's not for anyone in Congress, so don't ask, don't worry either). There's something holding me back though. What it is I don't know. It's not fear of rejection because I always plan on being rejected so that is perchance I do get it, I am totally surprised. I think I just don't want to miss the summer fun. I won't be able to go to Warped. If the GC/NFG tour happens, I might miss that. I won't miss Jamboree, thankfully, but it's everything else. At least with working all summer I can still go to all the events. I wanted to go to the Taste. I wanted to enjoy Chicago this summer, especially since the following summer will be spent in school. But this is the chance of a lifetime, I guess. Oh well, I will mail the stuff out and see. I can only hope. I mean my dad is willing to pay for all of this, a first. I guess my dad is really getting into the whole idea of his kids working for the government. I mean he used to think that I was a nutcase 'cause I wanted to work for the FBI, although the ATF does have some interesting job openings. I don't think he ever could see me as an agent, but as I became more and more lab work orientated, I think he is realizing that I want to be a part of something, as my mom's friend (whose daughter works for the FBI) puts it, is a "family with benefits." As much as I can't stand people I still like having them around. I think I may be seeing the change that college is having on me.

That's the wonderful thing about college. You can learn things about yourself without even trying. You start to truly develop who you will be. Things start to solidify in yourself, such as what you want to do (although this may take a while), where you want to do this, how you want to go about obtaining your goals, etc......I guess the things that I have learned about myself are things that I knew for quite a while and yet there are things that I thought I wanted to do, but have concluded otherwise. For a very long time I wanted to live in D.C., but after being here in Milwaukee which is so similar to Chicago, yet different, I've realized that I don't ever want to leave the Chicagoland area. I love it there, even when I say I hate it, I love it. From the traffic, the smell just after I pass the sewage treatment plant, driving to the wretched Orland Square, to even the people that live on my block. I would definitely miss the Chicago sense of humour. I mean, yes we may be stubborn, yes we can be a little over the top for things like sports teams, but no where are there people that are like those found in Chicago. There is just this general sense of humour and understanding. We all laugh at the same general stuff and we share many of the same ideals. Only in Chicago is the northside/southside thing a game, others (at least those that I speak with) see it as this big tension between the two, when really it isn't. It's just something to, in essence, bring us together in a joking type way, and I love that. I have not seen that in D.C., it wasn't there in Boston, forget Florida, and don't even think L.A. has anything similar. There, to me, seems to be a sense of unity, of familiarity, in being a Chicagoan, even if you're from the suburbs. When I was in D.C., the people that I spoke to were all from the Chicagoland area, yet when we met, none of us said where we were from, we just clicked. I guess that could be a bad thing, to be able to form a clique immediately, but it felt good. In Boston, I just felt out of place, there wasn't anything to make me feel like I belonged. Florida, it's just a vacation spot to me, nothing else. I don't see it as a place to live, even in retirement. And L.A., forget it, as stressful as the "hustle and bustle" of the midwesterner's life is, I'd take that anyday over the 'time is never a factor' thing that's out there. Plus everyone was so hung up on what part of L.A. they were from. If you met someone from Cook County and ask them where they are from, they will say Chicago. Then they usually will say southside/northside/suburbs/whatever. There's this unity as I said before that I have not seen from people from other cities. I can never truly leave this place. Chicago will always be where my heart lies. The unity, the pride, sense of belonging, it is all there in Chicago for me and I will always be in Chicago.

Well, I'm drained now. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm so tired of hearing people (here at school) complain about how everyone is from Chicago, how people from the suburbs will say they're from Chicago, how we Chicago people complain about the pizza, etc. In this entry lies the answer and I shall deal with them no longer.

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