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The current mood of at

Jared and QAF amusement
01.24.03 @ 10:24

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Chevelle - Don't Fake This

Well, I still love Chicago. Another thing why I love Chicago - we don't have Jareds. The ass was at it again last night, this time with some friends. All I have to say is there must have been some "Man sex" going on. For those who may need a better explanation of what that phrase means, just realize that there is only one gender hinted at, the second word is self-explanatory. Anyways, they kept screaming and shit, so of course I had to yell back. I do the same thing to the people who scream and yell in the halls. Ugh....

I really wish that I wasn't so bored reading Lord of the Rings again. It seemed like I was just looking at words while reading The Fellowship. Two Towers seems to be doing a little better, but we'll see. I loved the books, I just don't get it.

I think people are stupid when they go to class. Now when you see a group of people, people whom you know are in your class, are standing outside the door of the classroom, wouldn't it dawn on you that maybe the calss before yours is still in there? Not here at Marquette, this means every single damn person has to check to see. Come on people!?! Do you not seem me reading a book? Wouldn't that give you a clue as well? Especially since we have twenty minutes before class even starts. Oh well, what can I do for these people except laugh.

Well, if anyone watched Queer as Folk, you know that brown/tan suede coat that Emmet has? He wears it in one of the last two episodes of season one if my memory serves me correct. Well, it seems that a fourth of Marquette has either that coat or a coat that is very similar. I wonder if they are all closet Emmet fans. I highly doubt it. It is quite amusing because when I see them wearing the coat I think of Emmet and the little black backpack that he has in episode 21(i think) of season 1 when he and Ted are going to meet Ted's boyfriend at the laywer's office (the little details are leaving me). But alas, only Marita and I are finding this to be amusing. Although the dream I had last night of Brian was much more than amusing.

Yes people I am watching some t.v. Of course it's only QAF but whatever. I still do not find that box to be a source of entertainment. I watch my music videos on my computer. I have my mp3/cd player. I need nothing else.

I think tomorrow I will tell you guys about my conversation with my brother yesterday about the Christmas gifts we owe each other. I still owe you guys links to everything Jared, I will get on that so that all the new people will be able to catch up. Playlist to come soon as well. laterz!

Phrase of the moment:
"This is Shit performed by Crap." ~Me, talking about the music that was being played upstairs.

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