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The current mood of at

I quit, I fucking quit
01.25.03 @ 14:54

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Disturbed - Down with the Sickness

Hehee, I love Queer as Folk. MMMMMM.....

Well, there's other stuff that I can put in here but it would piss off a couple of people, so the Brian Kinney side of me has to stay hidden. Brutal honesty is not me today. Some may know of the issue that I am avoiding talking about, but I'm avoiding it, so, that's all you get on that. Although the new locking an entry feature may be used. I don't know yet.

Well, I went in to work today for a few extra hours. It was so nice just being there, by myself. Not having to worry about the phone or the counter. Very nice.

I have in essence decided that I don't care anymore. To paraphrase Brian, "You are the only person you can count on" and that is very true. I think that is how I am going to have to live from now on because people don't seem to care either. It's all about them, so ya know what? Fuck them. I am going to continue on as I want. I don't care. I am going to be the most important person in my life, I am tired of being stepped on, used, lied to, forgotten about, passed over, hurt, joyed, etc. I am tired of it all and I am going to remedy this by not caring. It just doesn't seem worth it anymore.

Whatever - Godsmack
And I wonder day to day
I don't like you anyway
I don't need your shit today
You pathetic in your own way
I feel for you
better fuckin' go away
I will behave
I'm doing the best I ever did
I'm doing the best that I can
Now go away
I don't need to fantasize
You are my pets all the time
I don't mind if you go blind
You get what you get
Until you're through with my life

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