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The current mood of at

Tuesday and I am already planning the weekend
04.01.03 @ 17:19

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Disturbed - Stupify vid

Well, the talk of the town, literally, is whether or not one is going to New Orleans. For everyone's information, I will be here in Milwaukee. However, I have some plans, not very exciting though. Seeing as how I shall be the only one in the room this weekend, with one roommate never here and the other going home for the weekend, I will take the opportunity to indulge myself in sleep and books. I have been neglecting myself by the studying of Bio and Chem. I must rejuvenate my body and mind. I will do some studying, since I do have a Chem test nearing and a paper to write. However that will not be the bulk of it. The "War Channel" as I am calling it (MSNBC) will be on a lot, when I'm not watching basketball or listening to cds (without headphones I might add, woohoo!). I will possibly finish the book of Votaire's works including Candide which has been read and Zadig (I am currently reading it). I may watch some movies, ie. LOTR, Fight Club and Dogma. I will not though indulge in food. The one or two bite size snickers are ok, but that is it.

Why am I telling you this? This way when I don't post this weekend, I won't feel bad because you already know my plans. That's all. I am off to play a game or two and then study for Bio.

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