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The Final Four slaughter - in retrospect
04.07.03 @ 10:12

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: nothing, the library is so damn quiet I am going to go nuts

Well, I have emerged from my weekend 'retreat.' Marquette lost, big time. I hate to say it, but I am not surprised at all. It's amazing that we made it to the Final Four, but damn, did we have to lose by that much? I really think it had to do with some kind of cockyness. Pretty typical eh? A team amazingly gets as far as they get, by beating one of the best (Kentucky), then they get all cocky. 'We can do that again,' they say. To bad it turns around on them and they end up losing worse than the last team they beat. Not a surprise. hell, I'm from Chicago, we have the Bears who were the best in the league and then poof they're out, not that Green Bay was able tot ake that to their advantage. Example number two: the White Sox. They are titled Central Division Champs and then the first game on the road to the big deal they fuck it up. Example three: the Cubs, they had Sammy Sosa, who is cocky on his own, but they let that get to their heads and couldn't work out the fact that the rest of the team really couldn't play. Example number four: the Bulls, win one lose ten, it's as simple as that.

Kansas was good. They remained calm, learning from their mistakes last year. They saw our flaw and used it to their advantage. They kept their eyes open and they won. They knew that they had to be on alert, they couldn't just watch one person, they had to watch them all. They did just that and killed us.

I'm sure part of it was nervousness that hurt, but we all get nervous. We have to push those butterflies deep down and bottle em up. Using the nervousness to push ourselves to a higher level.

Hopefully Marquette will be able to learn from their mistakes and return next year better then before. With losing only one team member due to graduation, the hopes are higher. Tom Crean has done an amazing job as coach and I am sure that he will continue to push and to inspire. The team works amazingly well as a whole, they just need to learn how to work independently in case of emergencies.

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