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The current mood of at

For the people who probably won't read this....
04.08.03 @ 11:07

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: 3 Doors Down - Be Like That

Ok so people are still debating about whether or not we should be in Iraq. This is a good thing, it really is, until someone belittles me because I tell them that I do not know enough to make a concrete statement about what I think about our being there. Not only that but to say that my support of the troops is a way of avoiding the 'issue' at hand is very insulting. I guess I must remind people of the entry I posted after the Columbia accident. The same statements that were made in this stand on this issue as well.

It is amazing. People complain about how ignorant we are as a whole. The same people demand opinions about issues that the 'ignorant' do not have the proper knowledge needed to form an opinion. Then when the ignorant person admits that they do not know enough to, in essence, choose sides, the complainers go on to belittle the 'ignorant,' reminding them that they are ignorant. DON'T YOU THINK WE KNOW THAT ALREADY!

Even with my thirst for knowledge I cannot know everything and I have learned from personal experience not to make an opinion of something that I am not informed of. I am not perfect, as shown by my ending a sentence with a preposition, and I am fully aware of many of my imperfections. There is no need to remind me. I feel like I have to repeat this over and over again. I guess too many people get off by the fact that they can point out other people's faults. Guess what, I can see your faults, but do I sit there and cram them down your throat? No, kindly enough I don't. I should start though, shouldn't I? Bring myself down to your pathetic level and destroy people because they are not perfect. But I won't, it is not my place to do so. I am not God, and neither are you, so don't act like you are even God's right hand man.

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