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The current mood of at

Political messages please......
04.14.03 @ 17:37

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Audioslave

Well, well, it has been a couple of days. I actually had somethng else to say today, about the feeling ghetto thing, but I nixed that. It was kind of insulting to small town people, although I didn't mean it to be. I had written it out during Forensics today cause that was so dulling I needed to di something to stay awake. I re-read it at the end when the woman was going on about Polymerase Chain Reaction and Electrophoresis and found it to be somewhat insulting, so it got the axe. I don't feel like insulting anyone today. That's what I have the entire summer to do.

So anyways, I had a quite dulling weekend, they are becoming frequent aren't they? But nonetheless they are enjoyable. Easter break this weekend. WooHoo! Go home, work, enjoy my dad's Jack Daniel's chicken (marinated for 24+ hours, often two days. The chicken is flash cooked due to too much alcohol.) and enjoy polish food. Polish sausage, perogi and other homemade polish foods that I can pronounce but can't spell. MMMM, I can't wait. The only bad part is that I may have to spend some of this time with the extended family. Thankfully I have a paper for drama, a little project thing for PoliSci, and the BNL DVD. So this weekend will be enjoyable. The weather better be beautiful. I would like to be able to go sit out in the backyard with the dogs, planning on getting something done, but in reality doing nothing but getting grass stains on my ass.

Ok so enough dreaming. For my PoliSci class I have to find four songs, all by different artists and only one can deal with 9.11/The War on Terrorism, that have a political message. I have already thought of Goldfinger and RATM. But which RATM song? And if anyone has any others that would work? There are a couple that I can't use because they were given in class, but I couldn't tell you the exact name and most were of the Lynard Skynard and Crosby Stills Nash and Young eras. Most dealt with Vietnam era big issues. So if anyone has any ideas let me know. I just need to check out the lyrics which I can more than likely find at Thanks.

Well I'm off to study BioChem seeing as how I have a test on that Wednesday. I hate amino acid degradation and synthesis right now.

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