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Somebody better pay-up....
09.15.03 @ 20:13

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Watching the Abrams Report of MSNBC

Ahh, tis a very happy day in my mind. 1. Bennifer is done. All I have to say is, "I TOLD YOU SO!" Did anyone honestly think it was a real relationship? Wait, hold on, let me ask a different question. Am I the only one with ESP that so saw this happening? That's what I thought.

2. California recall on hold. Not only can the state make an ass of itself by its handling of the recall, but now it has gone and made a complete ass of itself. That and the whole reference to the Bush v. Gore is opening up some unhealed wounds. Let's just say I think Gore won and would have done things much differently.

Well there was a lot of ass in this entry. I feel very dirty. However, not dirty enough to mack with Brittany and then write a children's book to cleanse myself. What a joke, come on Madonna. What the hell is she thinking? I realy don't think that she should be writing books for children when she won't let her daughter watch t.v. because media is bad. Umm, unless you're a mute and a hermit, you cannot, I repeat, CANNOT get rid of media influence. But then again if your an overpaid 'celebrity' with a mondo ego, you can get anything you want, or at least try. Personally, the middle class status is quite comfortable and I don't think with my ass (again with the ass, sorry).

Well, I'm going to go back to my reading for PoliSci of The Rise and Fall of the Media Establishment. I forget the author, but I need to read it so that I can get my other things done that are due later this week. Good-bye.

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