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The problems with this world
09.22.03 @ 10:23

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: The sound of dozens of keyboards being pounded on

You know something is wrong when Martin Sheen waves to you when you are pointing in his direction and when the elevator door opens an idiot gets on thinking its going up, when it is going down but fails to recognize that there is someone in the elevator already. Oh yeah, I forgot to inform all that Martin Sheen was on campus Friday. He was dedicating the new library here on campus, which I must say is a very kick ass library. Unfortunately all I got was a wave, but a few people that I know and talk to on a regular basis got to speak with him and talked about important things like civil rights, not about how cool it is to meet Mr. Sheen.

Well, that is pretty much the highlight of the weekend and it was only friday. Saturday was Al's Run although I did not partake. Had to study for immunobiology which is today. Still studying. Went to Madison as well on Saturday to get Sarah a blazer, got a cool blouse and pants for myself as well. Sunday was study, worksheet, paper, read, and study again. Watched Stitch! The movie and The Emporer's New Grove (finally). By 6:30 I was exhausted, but I studied some more and I read the Sunday Chicago Trib. I feel so enlightened by reading the paper more often. Well, not really, but yeah ok. I really wish my Al Franken book would get here so I can read that. Finished Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and other Observations on Saturday and I yearn for more. Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them was a very good book. Quite humorous, as they all have been. Once I get more money I have some books I want to get, despite what my mother says. Well I have two papers to work on today, one due tomorrow and one due wednesday that I shall be working on today so I probably won't be on AIM for long. I really want to talk to everyone though. Ugh, stupid school work. Needs to stop.

Well, all will be good once the John Mayer and Josh Kelley cd's come in. Then I will stop complaining. Happy Monday to All!

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