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Hepatitus, Al, Rush and bad singing
09.24.03 @ 12:13

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: The annoying sound eminating from the scanner that some guy is using.

Ahh, vaccination time. So much fun. Hopefully the only thing that I will need is the Hepatitis B vaccine. I believe I had the Tetanus one not to long again. Evil vaccine, I swear my arm was numb for about a week. I had the stupid MMR. I am just soo looking forward to going to Student Health if I need to get any of them. I can just imagine it now. The doctor or PA comes in and asks what I am there for which I state "vaccination." Reply: Well, you must be pregnant then.

Yeah, I can sooo see that now. What a joke, but hey, I'm a college student, the only possible thing that could draw me into Student Health is either pregnancy or menigitis.

Well, now that we have that announcement taken care of, I have another. I think the people downstairs are taking my package hostage. Which means I have gone four days without an Al Franken book in my hands and I am having withdrawals. If I don't get the Josh Kelley cd soon, someone is going to kill me for my bad rendition of "Amazing." I need to get my stuff soon. Well not really, but hey, I paid for it, I should have it by now. I get things faster when they make a rest stop in Oak Forest. Quite sad. All I have to say is that if I get yelled at for not picking up my package when I got the '1st' notice, someone is going to get an box shoved up their ass and the packing inside shoved into their nostrils and I will walk away reading my book.

Speaking of books has anyone read the following:
Leadership by Rudolph Giuliani
The Clinton Wars by Sidney Blumenthal
Tales from the Left Coast by James Hirsen
and if I am lucky Shut up and Sing by Laura Ingraham or Bushwacked by Molly Ivans
If you have read them, I ask are they worth my time? Or were they so boringly dull that they could make a liberal like Rush Limbaugh?

Well I'm off to go save my package from the evil hands of the Mashuda mail room. singing a bad acapella version of the Mission Impossible theme

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