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The current mood of at

Alas, The Cows have come home
01.27.04 @ 18:21

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Quietness, oh sweet quietness

Woohoo! Wireless Internet rocks!

Maybe now I'll really want to leave my room and study in more appropriate and stimulating places, like the library.

It has been quite a while since I last updated and I actually do not have much to update. Today and last week Tuesday I went to visit the clinics and hospitals that we do our rotations at next year. The ACL and the VA hospital are pretty cool. Really leaning toward the ACL.

Ok so if Kerry somehow becomes the next Democratic Presdential candidate I am going to cry. The man is very scary looking. Everytime I see him on t.v. I want to grab him and hug him and tell him that he doesn't have to starve himself. The sunken in face is a bit scary and depressing. There really isn't any hope for when we get old. At least with Dean we know that at that age we can still get riled up as if we were at the Super Bowl or something to that affect. What about John Edwards? He looks to good to be a candidate, too much prettiness and good grooming (as good as politics can get). I really don't have anything bad or good to say about Clark. Kucinich is a little weird looking. Sharpton freaks the fucking hell out of me, and the hair is only part of it.

Here's somehting funny I learned today and I am sorry if it insults anyone. Well, not really, but I guess a little.
IOWA - Idiots Out Wandering About

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