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The current mood of at

How bad could it be?
02.09.04 @ 19:53

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: k.d.lang - Sexuality

Hey hey,

I hope everyone's doing great. Wish things over here were a little better. It's cold, too cold to go sit at Borders all day and study and read and just enjoy the sunshine. That and my room is a fucking mess and it is not my fault. I have tried to maintain my stuff and managed to keep my crap from really taking over, but yeah, that's just MY stuff. And here's the thing, I asked if it could get cleaned. Yeah so far nothing has happened to get it even semiclean. We are supposed to be meeting are new roommate for next year, I hope to god that she's not a clean freak.

I am starting to believe that I have something written on my forehead and it must say 'step all over.' That's just my impression of things lately.

Besides my latest observation, I've been really down lately. I just can't seem to get excited about anything, nor truly happy about anything.

Anyways, remember how I said that I promised myself that I would read at least one conservative political book in my lifetime? Yeah well that is seeming to be harder than I thought. I gave up on "Coloring the News" by William McGowan. Trying to read "Shut Up and Sing" by Laura Ingraham. Yeah, really don't see that happening. Every page that I read I get insulted. Last time I looked, I really don't fit into the 'elite' but the many of the descriptions she gives fit me fairly well. That's not insulting, its the insults that she throws at these 'elites' and yet her writing make her one of the elite when she is trying to write for the 'American people.' I may be reading "Madam Secretary" a lot earlier than planned.

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