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The current mood of at

04.25.02 @ 15:47

Diaryring of the Day:
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hey hey, life is good, for the most part. Yesterday after lunch the two were playing this ball tossing game thingy. Um, am I the only person in the world who used to get yelled at for throwing things in the house?? I was afraid of getting hit in the head, considering one of them was right behind me (I was sitting in my chair at my desk). So anyways, I hope i did well on my chem test yesterday. I think i did really well, but thats what I thought last time, and I got a 72.

I'm sorry that there was no thought of the day yesterday, I was busy and the only reason I posted anything was because Marita found those two quizzes. Well I wasn't really busy, but I just didn't feel like using a computer to do anything else than watch DVD's. Oh well, I gotta write a paper for monday, well a rough draft anyways. I hate this paper, I don't care about Milwaukee.

Thought of the day:

I actually got this one from Jackie.

Here's to the CRAZY ones. The MISFITS. The REBELS. The TROUBLE MAKERS. The ROUND heads in the SQUARE holes. The ones who see things DIFFERENTLY. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or villify them. But the one thing you can't do is IGNORE them. Because the CHANGE things. They PUSH the human race forward. And while some may see them as the CRAZY ones, we see GENIUS. Because the ONLY people who are CRAZY enough to think they can CHANGE the world, are the ones who DO.

"Think Different" Apple Computers Advertisement

(This is the only good thing that came from Apple, cause the computers suck, only an Apple would freeze when I click the mouse once to open a program.)

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