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The Ball Again
04.26.02 @ 14:49

Diaryring of the Day:
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This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

Which Grunge Band Are You?

Hehee new quizzes.

Again today there was the ball throwing. Thankfully my mom had called and left a message, so I had an outlet to complain too. I mean, come on, throwing a ball around in a small room is not a very bright idea. All I need is to get hit by a damned ball. That would through me over the edge. If you wanna throw the damn ball, go outside, or is it too cold for you?

Oh I forgot to mention this the other day. Wednesday night when I was walking back to the dorm, there were these two people in front of me. Well the light outside Sweeneys turned red, so there was the don't walk sign. The guy accidentally overstepped the curb. he had energy and was moonwalking back to the curb. Well Milwaukee police pulled up in the squad car right next to him. The passenger was like "Why don't you just moonwalk your ass back on the curb right now?" The driver threatened him with a ticket. He fucking overstepped the curb. The police here need to pull the poles out of their asses. That was just complete bullshit. Anyways, I got a 93 on my chem test. This brings my test average up to a solid B. I just need to do good on the final and I will be alright, since my lab average isn't the greatest due to the HCl concentration failure. Again I missed the Christopher Lowell show, dammit. There's nothing funnier than that show. Anyways, I watched the Parental Advisory movie on VH1, that wasn't too bad. Oh well, I wonder how tonight is going to be. I need to start packing up my crap this weekend. Two weeks and all classes, finals and all, will be done. YEAH!!!

Thought of the Day:

If Satan ever loses his hair, there'll be hell toupee.

~Anonymous~ HEHEE, that's my funny quote. Here's the real one:

The weirder you're going to behave, the more normal you should look. It works in reverse, too. When I see a kid with three or four rings in his nose, I know there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about that person.

~P.J. O'Rourke

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