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The current mood of at

Let me poke you in the head with a pen.
09.04.02 @ 09:10

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Our Lady Peace - Gravity album currently on "Not Enough" (One of my favorites fromt he album)

hey hey. This is really the update of what went on yesterday, besides the oh so wonderful guestbook signer.

Anatomy - Well the fucknuts were at it again. Fucknut 1 has a hideous nose and a upper lip that comes to a point. ECK! Besides that, he was ( i think) shaking one leg with his arm resting upon the leg. That wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that his whole entire side of his body shook with it. Then there was the lets poke Fucknut 2 in the head with a pen, out of no where. I think fucknut 1 will also be called the 'whore' of the group, since he was the one that had to get up and pick up four sets of outlines for class since the whole fucknut group was to stupid to pick them up right as they came in.

One of my bosses was reading the guestbook entries and thought that the 'signer' was a complete nut. He, as well as I, couldn't get over the fact that she uses no periods, cannot spell nor can she tell the difference between ahead and a head.

Theology was quite boring as usual. I'm very disappointed that we a spending a lot of time on the Greco-Roman era and very little time on the Middle Ages-the Enlightenment. That and I'm sick and tired of hearing about Jeopardy. I think the teacher had only one boyfriend before she got married seeing as how the same guy taught her about Methodist beliefs as well as liberalism. (This is the only guy that she seems to mention)

Thought of the Day:

"It's really a shame at how some people have forgotten the art of punctuation and capitalization. Forget knowing how to spell, dictionaries make that obsolete. But to not know when to end a sentence or to not even know how to end a sentence is really sad." ~an old teacher of mine about how her students write page long sentences when there was actually three different paragraphs.

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