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I'm just tired.......................................
10.09.02 @ 17:38

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Our Lady Peace

..of breathing, of having to continually pump blood through my body, of having to eat, sleep, drink, tired of everything.

Ok so I'm sinking back into my depression. No biggie. I just don't eat much and what I do eat is vegetables. But hey, what's the harm in that. Oh and don't ask what its all about, cause I'm not in the mood to explain it in great detail.

I try to be nice and all and then I get stepped on. Squished like a little bug that flies into the front window of a car that is going eighty. Or like an ant that has fallen victim to the cruelty of a magnifier.

You smile at someone to be nice because you don't know what grounds your acquantance (I know its spelled wrong) is willing to acknowledge you and they give you the look of "What? You're still alive?" It's enough to kill me. People always tell me to give others a shot, make the first move in repairing the relationship, and look what happens. The poor defenseless deer walks out into the street to get to the other side, but never makes it.

Then there is the feeling of being taken advantage of. I don't know, I think I'm being nice by helping people out or letting them 'borrow' things and they just keep coming back for more. Look, I can't keep doing this. I JUST CAN'T!!! Right now, I just want to curl up in my bed, fall asleep, and never wake up.

Anyways, I saw a girl that lived on my floor last year and was in my Chem 2 lab and I smiled and she smiled back. I was soo happy about that. Someone who has a heart.

Oh and anyone who wants to play therapist or find out more details, odds are I won't tell you. That's just me. Sometimes there are things that I don't feel need to be laid out in detail. This would be one of those.

Oh, congrats to Carabeara on her 97/100 score for her diaryreview.

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