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The current mood of at

I don't know where I'm going.......
10.07.02 @ 19:45

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Just me and Marita typing away.

Ok, so I've come to the conclusion that I am one of a very few people that actually prefer not caring about who's fucking who, or anything af any related sort. Personally, what goes on in the bedroom, or what is *supposed* to go on in the bedroom is none of my goddamn business. This all stems from the ten or so e-mails that I got from the Dashboard Confessional group about who Chris is dating and how he's so 'dang hot.' Personally, no, he's not hot, maybe cute. I don't need that petty shit in my life. I'm so sick of the whole "Oh he's a hottie" crap-ola that goes around. Yes I've fallen victim to that type of petty, shallow crap with Fuzz from Disturbed and a few other people who shall remain nameless. I admit this, but I believe that personality is a key thing, the 'hotness' factor is about ten yeara will be gone, if it last that long, thanks to that wonderful thing called aging. My biggest peeve in this is how shallow people will get and will only associate themselves with those people who are 'attractive.' No wonder the 'gothic' people go so opposite with their looks. Although this is now appearing to be mainstream.

Another peeve is this whole does he have a girlfriend thing. Who cares?? Guess what you're not going to get with him, you're 12, not even legal. I love how little girls, or even older girls, are all "I'm going to marry (enter famous name here)." Umm, no, you're not, welcome to the real world, and not the MTV world. I will admit that I fantasize about a few certain famous people, but the key here is fantasize. I know I'm never going to 'get with them' and I'm not going to lie to myself about it, hence why I'm typing this.

I don't know where that was supposed to go, but I needed to write it out and get it off of my mind. Back to reading and learning anatomy.................

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