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The current mood of at

Do not, ever, buy a Compaq
12.06.03 @ 21:26

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Absolutely nothing

Excuse the language, it might get a bit vulgar.

So I went to Madison today to do a little shopping on State Street. Al went well, came back to Milwaukee and there was a voicemail. It's my brother, calling to let me know that Best Buy wants me to come in with my original computer receipt. Oh, I think I forget to tell you guys that I had taken my computer in, again. It's the fourth or fifth time, I have lost count. Anyways since it has been in soo many times, Best Buy has to do a little investigation. Like I would purposely make my computer fuck itself up once a year. Umm, hello, can anyone say college papers? How about a study table so that I can learn my Enterobacteriaceae? All I did to the fucking piece of shit was use it and take care of it. I treated it better then some people care for their pets or even family members. So anyways, I have to call them tomorrow and find out why they want the original receipt. I better be getting a new damn computer that does not fuck up everytime I need it to work. I really hope that it is not a Compaq, but that is wishful thinking.

Anyways just needed to do a quick rant. This week is finals and as I said above, I have no computer so I will rarely be online.

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