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The current mood of at

12.02.03 @ 09:27

Diaryring of the Day:
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It has been a long while since I have updated. News has been slow so there is not much to comment on that, well there is a little bit. Some students here at Marquette (they're guys, of course) decided they wanted an alligator for a pet. Obviously not very bright, after about 4 weeks they decided that they needed to get rid of it, so they found a buyer and here the really stupid thing. They tried to send it via the post office in a styrofoam box (the mouth was tied closed) in two cardboard boxes. Well, the reptile got loose and broke through the box. I need to find out what their majors are so that my theory of avoiding medical professionals who graduate from MU (of the many pre-med/pre-dental/nursing) students that I know, I wouldn't trust their thinking capabilities) can expand to just about every profession. When someone in Anatomy class says that diabetes is caused by insulin 'leaking' into the stomach, you should worry.

Thanksgiving break was ok. I did a lot of nothing. Watched The Two Towers twice as well as the extras (I have the special edition version). Played PS2 games primarily Spongebob Squarepants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman and The Two Towers. Got weird looks at the store when we got Spongebob, but ehh, like I care, it kept me busy. Didn't do much of the homework that I was supposed to do, which I kind of am kicking myself in the ass now. Just one more week of classes then finals week. I am almost done with this semester, so happy!!

It is so boring here at work with nothing to do. I want to bang my head on the desk just to be busy, but I'm afraid I may damage the desk and then have to pay for it.

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