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The current mood of at

11.24.03 @ 09:34

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Just the radio at work

Joy. Snow. Just what I wanted.

Actually, it is because snow equals no allergies. Saves me some money since I don't have to buy any Zyrtec. I should have enough to cover any smoky rooms and cats that I will encounter of the winter.

It has been a while since I've updated I know. There really isn't anything day-to-day that I feel like commenting about. Maybe I should start talking about more newsworthy events. There's more to talk about in that then in my day-to-day.

So anyways, I have to say Go MA Court system. I always figured it would be a more liberal (in my eyes) state that would knock the marriage high-horse down to a small little pony. All we have to do is prevent any states from amending their consitutions from 'defining' marriage and all will be good.

What else, what else? Hep A break-outs happening all over the place, PA, Georgia, and all because of little green onions. So I won't be eating any little green onions for quite some time. I may avoid eating out too, 'cause Hep A is just a little scary. Big bad flu season is upon us and this year it seems to really be a big bad flu. Hoping that I won't get sick.

Well, tomorrow I go home for Thanksgiving. I won't be updating during that time thanks to a wonderful 56K modem. I wish every one a good week and a wonderful holiday.

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