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11.04.03 @ 12:34

Diaryring of the Day:

Now Playing: the sound of the printers.......................

Woohoo, 311 and BNL cd's were delivered today (took long enough). I am really excited. More for the 311 than BNL, but that's primarily because "Amber" gets stuck in my head really easily, although I now have MB20 "Bright Lights" stuck in my head after reading the two lines on Abby's diary.

I haven't really done much lately to warrant a diary entry. Halloween was a date with Lexus-nexus (Oh how I wish the nexis wasn't a part of that phrase, mmmmm Lexus). Trying to figure out what topic I wanted to focus on for my media coverage analysis paper for PoliSci. I have somewhat decided on the signing of the Brady Bill by President Clinton.

Saturday I spent reading The Chamber of Secrets. I really didn't want to study for the Immuno test which is tomorrow. Ok I know this could be a very weird coincidence, but you know that Rumsfeld memo (I may have just butchered the guy's name, but ehh)? The whole 'long hard slog' comment? Well, I wonder if ole Rummy has been reading a little too much Harry Potter. I don't remember the page number exactly, but the phrase is in the Chamber of Secrets toward the end of the book, I think second to last chapter. My conspiracy theory here really isn't sound, I know, but I'm really now just looking for any little thing to get myself excited on since Medical Ethics has drained me on the bigger issues (i.e. abortion, eugenics, death, etc.). That and I will fully admit that I have a liberal slant in my thought.

Well, I started reading "Skipping Toward Gomorrah" by Dan Savage. It's really good so far and I am only on Sloth (he's writing about the 7 deadly sins). The writing style is good, keeps me interested. Plus it is a subtle anti-conservative book. Although it is quite apparent that Bush's little vacation's at the beginning of his term do not go over well. *yeah*

Anyways, off to work on my Phil paper on Mill and Utilitarianism, then to class.

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