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The current mood of at

I'm here, I really am
10.30.03 @ 10:00

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: I have Evanescence in my head and I am not happy about it.

Wow, two weeks since updating and I swear that I have gotten more hits than usual. I really didn't think that many people searched for "Anderson Cooper 360." Speaking of which, I cut my conversation with my mom short so that I could devote myself to the show. Yes I am insane. Mom called back and was quite impressed because I am actually watching t.v. Maybe I should tell her about Law & Order: SVU and The Daily Show with John Stewart. Ehh, maybe not.

Remember how I said that I wasn't going to read Harry Potter? Well, after all my heavy political reading I needed something easy to read and yeah Harry Potter is it. I'm not getting into it like I did LOTR or The Hobbit, but it's not bad. *runs from the lynch mob* Doubt any obsession with it, but I'll read them.

Well, Halloween is around the corner and guess what I get to do. I get to research my paper for Media and Politics. WooHoo!! Haven't really decided on the actual topic. I'm in between Former Gov. George Ryan put death row executions on hold or the Brady Bill. Have to play with Nexis-Lexus to see how much information I can get on them. So excited. Plus I have to write a Phil paper this weekend. I don't want to have to do any on the Chinese philosophers so I have to do my last 3 or 4 on Mill and Kant. Not fun. Speaking of Kant, I must get to reading that stuff. I wish everyone a great Halloween and I will try to update a bit more often.

I am soo jealous of you Kate and everyone who went to see BNL.

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