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The current mood of at

10.15.03 @ 18:31

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Anderson Cooper 360

Apparently if you order some Howard Dean stuff, you get a whole buch of uninflated balloons. Watch out people, you may be getting a few in the mail.

Well mids went OK, could have done better but that's always the case, isn't it? Anyways they are all done and that means Mid Semester Break. WooHoo! I'm headed over to Sarah's so no update although I haven't updated in a few days anyways.

Just a few remarks to things said the past few days:
To the woman who wants to know who gave the prisoner who broke out the linens. Would you want to sleep on a prison bed without linens? Probably not. I thought that I was misanthropic, but hey you just showed me up. Hell, I even would let prisoner get the linens changed on a regular basis. Call me a philanthropist.
I haven't told anyone this, (besides my roomate and father) but my distaste for the Cubs has brought me to make the following pledge. If the Cubs win the World Series, I will buy one piece of Cubs memorabilia. Oh buy the way, if the Cubs win it will not be the end of the world. Hell may freeze over, but hey it has been really warm up here anyways.

Okay so that was two comments. There were more, but I can't think of them. Anderson Cooper's bright blue-green (that's what they look like on tv) eyes are very distracting, although extremely gorgeous. For those who don't know who he is, he has an hour long show called, Anderson Cooper 360, on CNN.

I am so sick and fucking tired of the damn Kobe Bryant case. This is disgusting, the only national coverage that rape gets is when some overpaid athlete is a rape suspect. Forget whether or not the media purposely shed the post-war on Iraq troop involvement in a negative light (uhh, duh!?!). How about showing more social ills. Kobe Bryant makes more money than anyone possibly needs, his future is really not going to be too affected, he still will be living, so he has to downgrade his lifestyle. Big fucking deal. Get over it.

Added 8:00am Thursday,

Well, I guess my watching the game last night frooze hell over prematurely. 1) Cubs lost (I knew it, hehe) and 2) it got kind of cold while I was watching the game. Anyways I have saved my ass some money, thanks Cubs for losing.

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