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Filter, hehehehehehehehehe
08.02.02 @ 19:24

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Filter - The Amalgamutt

ok, i gotta review Filter last night.

Lets start with the openers. HAH! That is very funny. Both sucked ass hard. The first was the Jeff Noel Band (I think), yeah what a joke. The drummer was trying to be a bobble head doll, plus he had to keep count by actually mouthing the number. The fat ass white trash wannabe singer. Lets just leave it as that.

Then there was Nonpoint. Total Sevendust rip-off. Plus they suck. This is when the porn stars were up on the second level. Umm I thought that they would do better with the make-up. I could totally tell that it was on, andd I was across the room on the first 'level'. Oh and I will be the first to say this, rockers are better off with strippers, at least they have some rhythm. These girls had no rhythm in regards to music.

Ok and then there was Filter. Oh my god. They're as good as I remember. I don't know how marita felt about them. But I was totally stoked. Richard looks great. Geno, god, there is a man. His son looked cute. Ok, marita prolly has more detail, cause i can't think of the words. I'll hit the unimportant stuff. Ok do people seriously not understand how rude it is to try moving through the crowd in the middle of a band? Those people that would litely tap on the shoulder and say excuse me, i can handle. But when some blonde bitch puts her hand on my waist and pushes me over, i get very angry. And then the people who touch my ass to get through. Umm, no that is my ass, only certain people are allowed to touch it, and you're NOT one of them. There was an Eminem lookalike that looked like Eminem (from the side, the frontal view was off) up in the balcony. Then there was David from Disturbed, with his ditsy girlfriend. Umm, I thought I saw someone else, but I don't remember the name.

Ok now the driving. Umm, I hate driving downtown. Its the one way streets, I end up driving around the city. But it was all good, we should've gotten lost a little longer, at least we would've missed the sucking opening acts. We met up with a friend of Marita's, but I forgot the name. Sorry. The drive home wasn't bad, we drove around, saw Marita's high school. Got Slurpee's. I'm liking this little tradition thing.

Okay, I'm sure there's more. Just got to Marita's diary later on and maybe she'll have better details.

Also, I have some site updates that I need to do, but I don't feel like playing with HTML right now. SO for those people looking for things to be on the site, they'll be on either tonight or tomorrow morning.

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