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Valentines Day
2002-02-14 @ 6:28 p.m.

Diaryring of the Day:
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today's been a good day. I'm getting the feeling that Mary Ann has decided that I don't exist or something. Which is actually perfectly fine, but she's now getting snippy at me, for no reason. At least I had somehting. Yesterday she was on the phone talking, and started to say something that i knew was wrong, so I pipped in, told her and was silent. Then later, she was still on the phone, I looked at her and she gave my the shh hand motion. I didn't say anything, I wasn't in the best mood at the time as it was, stupid chemical imbalances, so I gave her the finger and told her to Fuck Off. Such nice language.

Later she was giving Ella this little "quiz" thing and it was quite interesting. So about half way I turned around to look at Mary Ann and in this tone that sounded a little angry or something, she told me not to give Ella any of the answers. First off, this was the first time I heard the questions, secondly, its half way done, I haven't answered any yet, why would I start. I think the only reason we're even talking is because of Ella. Oh well.

Thought of the Day

Hapy Valentines Day for all those suckers who actually went out and bought something. I got some stuff for the roomates, to be nice, but thats it. If, IF, I ever get married, Valentines Day will not be needed. It's too fake. Surprise me, one day in the middle of say June, surprise me, it has more meaning and emotion behind it than any Hallmark holiday. Down with the money hungry companies!!

here's the cutie for today, since it's Valentines Day, need some eye candy. It's the lead singer from The Calling. I would have someone else up, but he's a permanent fixture, look at him everyday.

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