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06.29.02 @ 22:29

Diaryring of the Day:
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I thought today was going well. About ten minutes ago, I went in the backyard to get the dogs. There was only one. I opened the front door and Coco came running. No Kirby. I called Mike up from downstairs and told him to help me look for Kirby. Well he went one way and I was supposed to go the other, but there was something keeping me from moving. About two houses down a car honked and then started to back up. There was a yelp and the car continued to back. After about five feet the car stopped and someone got out. All I saw was a little white thing on the ground. I knew who it was, it was Kirby. I saw the paw twitch twice and I ran. Kirby was dead.

All the driver said was "I'm sorry. I thought I saw something so I honked. Nothing moved and I thought that there was nothing under the car. I'm sorry." Talk about shear stupidity. Obviously he was never out later than ten o'clock when all the deer and other animals are out. If he had he would've known that honking and lights does nothing to get an animal to move. All it does is scare the animal. I know I say I'm from Chicago, I'm from the suburbs and we have quite a few forest preserves as well as quite the number of deer. I've almost hit a deer.

Thank God it was a little child. I don't know how I'd be feeling if it was one of the neighbors kids. God I want to smack that guys face. Everyone around that house has dogs, cats, or small children. Even if it wasn't one of the three you still should check. Good I'm nervous everytime I back out of my driveway because I don't know if there is something behind the car. And I almost freak everytime I go over the crack in the driveway. Dammit, I can't even hit a squirrel, how can people be so stupid?????????

We didn't even have Kirby for six months. Monday he was supposed to go for a haircut. People say they're just pets, but they're a part of the family. God, I need to stop before I really lose it. Hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep.

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