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A perfect example of the shallow minds of college students
09.11.02 @ 16:11

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Charmed is on TNT and the T.V. is on

okay this is in response to an article located in The Marquette Tribune. It's under viewpoints and it is called "The Double Clothing Standard against Men"

Personally, how dare a man say that they have issues finding clothes that fit. Every male that I know tells me that there are to many choices in there department. Plus they tell me that they have never had an issue finding clothes that fit, that their size is always available. I'm sorry to say, but male clothing lines tailor to men of all sizes where as us women must be of certain 'petite' type sizes to find clothes that are within the current ideas of fashion and sex appeal (this including the idea that large women should cover up because fat is unattractive). And then for this guy to say that even large women are at an advantage because there are stores that cater specifically to us. (All he talks about is pregnant women, no where does he talked about large women.) Puh-lease, then why then hell do I still have a problem of finding clothes of my size. Oh wait it's because I am within that wonderful area of 'average' size and that companies don't realize that average means that more people are of that size and they don't make more of that size. I don't like having to go to four or five different stores to find a bra of my size that looks like something my grandmother wore. But unfortunately I do. It's as if the whole male fantasy of a large chested women only benefits those women who get implants because they tend to stay within the Victoria's Secret size range, where as those like myself who were 'blessed' with a rack are wearing these six hook things that are some of the ugliest looking pieces of fabric known to man. And lets not even get into the underwear discussion.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see guys having problems with finding things in their size. I mean I go and buy jeans from the men's department because they have larger numbers pants in each size than women's department would ever think of getting.

Thought of the Day:

"And when it comes to showing what you're made of, there is a huge disparity in clothes for men of plus sizes. If a woman is pregnant, there is an entire line of designer clothes that they call "maternity wear," which really just means: "you don't fit into anything else wear." Though if a man gets fat, does he have something cool like that? No, there is no "fatwear" at Abercrombie or any other fine clothing store. He is instead humiliated by asking the sales clerk if they can go in the back room and try to locate a XXXXXL. Not fair." ~Brian W. SPencer. This is the hundred pund twig that wrote the article. He really doesn't understand the issue of being large and how larger men do have it easier than large women.

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