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We like to screw people over?
09.15.02 @ 17:09

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: nothing, although I'm going to listen to the OLP cd I burned. All my favs on one cd, so happy.

OK, so I said that there wasn't going to be an update this weekend. well it turns out (obviously) that there has been something worthy of an update. Not that I update for no reason.

Anyways, so we went out for Japanese on Friday. The plan was go, eat, and come back and do homework. Well it took longer to eat than I expected, but thats alright. On to the story. So we ate and the bill was being prepared. Marita, Sarah and I had said that we wanted to all pay evenly, split the bill five ways. Kayla stated that she thought it woud be more appropriate if she and Diana payed for what they ordered and then the three of us could spilt the rest, which was fine. However when the bill came, Sarah took it and offered to give it to kayla so that she could figure out what she and Diana owed, but she didn't take it. Anyways, so we all paid $25 each. Nothing was said after. Kayla looked depressed or angry on the bus, I couldn't figure out which. I didn't even see a reason why. Then when the four of us (diana lives on 5) got the the sixth floor, Kayla said that it was unappropriate what we did to Diana, that we made her pay for stuff that we ate and that she (diana) wasn't happy about how much she had paid, that she was expecting less. So that killed my night, I was ready to do a ton of reading before i went to bed even though it was already nine. I wanted to walk away from that conversation, but I didn't want to leave Sarah and Marita in it. So for the next two hours the three of us were trying to figure out how we 'screwed' diana over. It's kind of like, I'm sorry Kayla, but this is not California, fish is expensive, that's just how it is. Plus Diana had seen the prices. We said that we had no problem with them figuring out what they owed, but did Kayla take it to figure it out? NO. And I'm not going to do things for you, your in college, you should take responsibility for yourself, no one is going to do it for you. Anyways, so Saturday morning, Sarah looked at the change that she had taken (she really had put in $50, stil trying to figure out what kayla actually paid) and noticed that there were a five or two in the singles. So Kayla was given six dollars back (we calculated how much they owed) and was to spilt this with diana. There wasn't that much of a difference, I mean three dollars a piece, thats not a big deal. So we are not very happy with Kayla, at all.

Here's what really bothers me, Kayla was complaining about how much we made Diana pay, but when talking ot diana it seems that Diana wasn't really bothered by the price. So it seems like Kayla was more bothered by what she had to pay, even though it really wasn't all that much. But hey, what do you want from someone who says that they have no money, but that they always have money for sushi? There are some other things that bother me too, but I'm going to lose my concentration and not be able to study and read.

I think this is just the midwesterner in me talking.

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