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The current mood of at

09.18.02 @ 16:17

Diaryring of the Day:
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Ok so it turns out that you have to pay to listen to the q101 media player. Forget that, I'm a poor college student, although I just ordered a couple of cd's. Anyways it also was free shipping, so I have to take advantage. Plus I can't wait fo rmy cousin to get his ass moving and I feel sort of bad for recieving a free copy of Disturbed's first cd.

Weird thing for today: Mary ann IMed me. Kinda weird if you ask me, although it was while I had an away message up. So depending on what goes down, I may be getting a new IM sn.

So Kayla and I are still not talking, it seems as though she's waiting for me to make some kind of move. Here's my move, I am not going to do anything about it. You screwed it up not me. Deal with it.

we have to draw 20 of the carbon skeleton of cyclohexane for Chem on friday, it's kind of pointless work. I mean it's bad enough that I have to read the damn lab manual thing and thats difficult to read as well as take two minutes to draw this shit. Personally I'm a little tired of Chemistry. Oh well, I need to get moving on my Philosophy paper. Of course I'm taking the topic of Socrates' death. Anyways, there's really not much, although Marita I am enjoying the idea of an electric couch.

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