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This thinking stuff is really fun
10.02.02 @ 16:04

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Queer Duck

ok you know those little groups like say Yahoo! Groups? Yeah well I'm on quite a few and it's no problem except that I'm on a lot of band ones. The thing is that when the bands comes out they make it sound SO important that you go out and get the cd right away and if you don't and the album doesn't hit #1 or maintain that they question your loyalty to the band. Personally I think this is a crock of shit. Especially since the band sees barely any of the revenue generated by the cd sales. Their money comes from touring. Another thing they expect everyone to be as stoked about spending money as they are. Sometimes I need to hold on to this money, for say maybe tuition. 'Cause ten thousand dollars a year in loans is not going to get paid by buying shit. Thirdly, I've been loyal for years, probably having known about them before they ever released a nation-wide single, most likely before you knew of them and I don't appreciate being told that since I didn't buy both copies that my loyalty is in question. It's like where were you when they were starting out? 'Cause I was at the five dollar shows showing my support.

So for all those people that ever post something like that, bite me!

On another note, my hair is green and I'm really enjying this colored gel shit that I got. I think I'm going to go watch some Queer Duck before dinner.

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